Assessment & Reporting


Christ the King assesses student learning using the Australian Curriculum achievement standards. In the Australian Curriculum, achievement standards describe what students are typically able to understand and able to do. They describe expected achievement at each year level or band of years. Across Prep to Year 10, the set of achievement standards describe a broad sequence of learning.
The sequence of achievement standards within each learning area emphasises the depth of conceptual understanding, the sophistication of skills and the ability to apply essential knowledge expected of students. (Shape of the Australian Curriculum, v5.0, June 2020, 64-65)

When teachers plan, teach and assess, they:

​Plan collaboratively using the curriculum achievement standards and content.
Plan to make explicit the formative and summative assessment opportunities, aligned with the achievement standard throughout the teaching and learning cycle.
Reach an understanding of what successful learning looks like, aligned with the achievement standard.

​Co-construct success criteria with students to make clear what successful learning looks like, using the assessable elements
Use models, worked examples and ‘bump it up’ strategies with students to guide them in establishing where their current progress is against the achievement standard and what their next steps are to improve their achievement
Use formative assessment strategies to collect evidence of progress to a) provide feedback to students about their progress towards the success criteria, and b) inform the responsive and targeted teaching responses in teaching to move learning forward​
​Provide assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do.
Make judgements about the evidence in learning as it aligns with or exceeds the expected level of achievement.
Moderate student work to develop consistency of judgements

​Make reporting judgements twice per year, using A-E or equivalent 5-point scale, based on the body of evidence collected over the learning period.


As a Catholic Christian community, we believe that every learner can achieve success in life and learning where diversity is valued, and shared wisdom contributes to decision-making that enriches and enlivens our world.

Student achievement is therefore recognised and celebrated within our school communities in a variety of ways.

Twice yearly reporting judgements are made on a folio of evidence collected during the reporting period. When providing twice yearly written reports, teachers:

  • compare the folio with the achievement standard and student work samples and make a judgement about whether the evidence in the folio reflects the knowledge, understanding and skills in the achievement standard.
  • make a professional judgement about the quality of the evidence using a 5 point scale i.e. Does the evidence show a depth of understanding, sophistication of skill and/or application of knowledge that goes beyond that described in the standard?​

​Well above the Australian achievement standard
​Above the Australian achievement standard
​Australian achievement standard
​Below the Australian achievement standard
​Well below the Australian achievement standard
​Evidence in folio reflects the standard. Reporting judgements reflect the quality of the evidence in terms of the depth of understanding, sophistication of skill and the way in which knowledge has been applied.​

Evidence in folio does not reflect the standard

Parent teacher interviews offer a great opportunity to build partnerships with the parents of our students. These interviews help teachers effectively communicate the key points that are relevant to each student's learning along with a plan to move forward.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Christ the King use a range of student data to inform learning and teaching that improves student engagement, progress, achievement, and wellbeing.

We collect and analyse a range of student data to inform the implementation of strategies that improve students’ outcomes.

  • Parental Involvement in class and school activities
  • Before and after school conversations
  • Notes or emails between home and school
  • Telephone Calls
  • Written Report Cards – twice yearly
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews
  • Student Portfolios
  • NAPLAN Results
  • Assessment Calendars
  • Pm Benchmark results
  • PatR and PatM results
  • The BCE Writing Analysis​

We use the High Yield Strategies in an interconnected process to respond to student progress and to respond with teaching that moves learning forward for individual and groups of students.

  • Data walls lead discussion that informs teaching and learning responses at whole school levels, and to inform planning at year and class levels
  • Review and Response meetings are used to inform planning for targeted teaching responses that have a positive impact on student progress
  • Learning walks and talks provide feedback to leaders about the impact of school and class improvement strategies and feedback to teachers about the impact of teaching on their student’s learning progress.