© Brisbane Catholic Education, Christ the King Catholic Primary School (2023)
The Library at Christ The King is a wonderful and vibrant space that encourages our community to engage with literature and books and other media in a variety of ways.
Currently, borrowing limits are set by teachers according to the age of the children. Those books may be returned and swapped for another at anytime the library is staffed and open.
Each class has a set library borrowing day - please refer to class teacher.
Children must have a water-proof library bag; available for a small cost from the uniform shop (to prevent books being damaged by drinks and the need to recover the cost of the book)
Children have a responsibility to know which is their library borrowing day and to have their book ready to swap on the day.
Children are reminded if they have overdue books; overdue reminder slips are issued after several verbal reminders from library staff. Please help at home to keep the library books in a regular place to minimize losses, and the disappointment of your child not being allowed to borrow regularly
Lost books must be paid for by the parents, (the total cost of buying a new copy) and the children are encouraged at school to have a sense of responsibility and knowledge of the costs involved to the school of buying new books and replacing those that have been lost.
The school library is a service to all members of our school community.
Our role for the library encompasses several areas of importance:
The learning needs of the children, both in resourcing for their classroom learning requirements and in weekly borrowing of recreational reading books for home reading;
The teaching needs of the teachers, by helping them to plan, resource their classroom teaching needs; support in classroom teaching or researching needs of the children in conjunction with the desired learning outcomes;
Maintaining the curriculum collection (Teacher Reference) in conjunction with the Curriculum Support Teacher;
The selection, acquisition and processing of resources for the library; and processing of all other resources within the school; the management of a resource budget to meet the learning and recreational reading needs of the school community;
Managing the access to the information and resources we hold in the library through accurate and detailed cataloguing systems, via the OLIVER library management system - accessible through the portal;
Maintenance of the physical library environment to enable the most effective use of the space for varied purposes across the school week, and re-shelving resources to their correct location.